Sign in to add mentorMarlene Behrmann | grad student | 2001 | Carnegie Mellon | |
(The object -based selection of visual shape features: How representational structure modulates biased competition.) |
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Haimson C, Bothell D, Douglass SA, et al. (2004) Partitioning visual displays aids task-directed visual search. Human Factors. 46: 551-66 |
Haimson C, Anderson JR. (2002) Artitioning Visual Displays: Directing the Path of Visual Search Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 46: 1604-1608 |
Haimson C, Behrmann M. (2001) Cued visual attention does not distinguish between occluded and occluding objects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 8: 496-503 |
Behrmann M, Haimson C. (1999) The cognitive neuroscience of visual attention. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 9: 158-63 |