Jiashi Yang
Affiliations: | Engineering Mechanics | The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE |
Applied Mechanics, Mechanical EngineeringGoogle:
"Jiashi Yang"Children
Sign in to add traineeHuiyu Fang | grad student | 2000 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Huijing He | grad student | 2014 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
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Huang D, Yang J. (2020) Flexural vibration of a lithium niobate piezoelectric plate with a ferroelectric inversion layer Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 27: 831-839 |
Liang Y, Yang W, Yang J. (2019) Transient Bending Vibration of a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Nanofiber Under a Suddenly Applied Shear Force Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 32: 688-697 |
Zhao Z, Wang B, Qian Z, et al. (2018) Trapped-energy Thickness-extensional Mode of a Partially Electroded ZnO Thin Film Resonator. Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control |
Liu J, Du J, Wang J, et al. (2018) Thin film bulk acoustic wave filters with ring-dot electrodes Journal of Zhejiang University Science. 19: 786-795 |
Liu J, Du J, Wang J, et al. (2018) Thin film bulk acoustic wave piezoelectric resonators with circular ring driving electrodes for mass sensing Integrated Ferroelectrics. 192: 57-66 |
Liu J, Du J, Wang J, et al. (2018) Trapped thickness-extensional modes in high overtone thin film bulk acoustic wave piezoelectric resonators Ferroelectrics Letters Section. 45: 38-48 |
Zhu F, Ji S, Zhu J, et al. (2018) Study on the influence of semiconductive property for the improvement of nanogenerator by wave mode approach Nano Energy. 52: 474-484 |
Dai X, Zhu F, Qian Z, et al. (2018) Electric potential and carrier distribution in a piezoelectric semiconductor nanowire in time-harmonic bending vibration Nano Energy. 43: 22-28 |
Liu J, Ma T, Du J, et al. (2017) An analysis of an unbounded thin film bulk acoustic wave piezoelectric resonator with a circular driving electrode International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 56: 11-19 |
Chen H, Wang J, Du J, et al. (2017) Electrically Forced Vibrations of Partially Electroded Rectangular Quartz Plate Piezoelectric Resonators International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 22 |