Michelle M. Lilly

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Michelle Lilly"
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Dadouch Z, Lilly MM. (2020) Post-Trauma Psychopathology in Journalists: The Influence of Institutional Betrayal and World Assumptions Journalism Practice. 1-19
Kerr DC, Ornelas IJ, Lilly MM, et al. (2019) Participant Engagement in and Perspectives on a Web-Based Mindfulness Intervention for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators: Multimethod Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 21: e13449
Lilly M, Calhoun R, Painter I, et al. (2019) Destress 9-1-1-an online mindfulness-based intervention in reducing stress among emergency medical dispatchers: a randomised controlled trial. Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Valdez CE, Lilly MM. (2019) The Effects of Dissociation on Analogue Trauma Symptoms After Trauma Processing Among Women With Varying Histories of Lifespan Victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519829273
Lim BH, Hodges MA, Lilly MM. (2019) The Differential Effects of Insecure Attachment on Post-Traumatic Stress: A Systematic Review of Extant Findings and Explanatory Mechanisms. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. 1524838018815136
Valdez CE, Lilly MM. (2019) Modes of Processing Trauma: Self-Compassion Buffers Affective Guilt Mindfulness. 10: 824-832
Sherrill AM, Kurby CA, Lilly MM, et al. (2018) The effects of state anxiety on analogue peritraumatic encoding and event memory: introducing the stressful event segmentation paradigm. Memory (Hove, England). 1-13
Baseman J, Revere D, Painter I, et al. (2018) Impact of new technologies on stress, attrition and well-being in emergency call centers: the NextGeneration 9-1-1 study protocol. Bmc Public Health. 18: 597
Meischke H, Lilly M, Beaton R, et al. (2018) Protocol: a multi-level intervention program to reduce stress in 9-1-1 telecommunicators. Bmc Public Health. 18: 570
Graham-Bermann SA, Howell KH, Miller-Graff LE, et al. (2018) The Moms’ Empowerment Program Addresses Traumatic Stress in Mothers with Preschool-Age Children Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 28: 1151-1172
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