Ulrich Schimmack

Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Personality Psychology, Social Psychology
"Ulrich Schimmack"
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Hubert Feger grad student
Rainer Reisenzein grad student
Ed Diener post-doc UIUC (PsychTree)
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Payne JW, Schimmack U. (2023) Valence explains how and why positive affects and negative affects correlate: A conceptual replication and extension of Diener et al.'s (1995) the personality structure of affect. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Kim H, Lee H, Lo RF, et al. (2022) Seeing the self through rose-colored glasses: A cross-cultural study of positive illusions using a behavioral approach. Plos One. 17: e0274535
Schimmack U, Kim H. (2020) An integrated model of social psychological and personality psychological perspectives on personality and wellbeing Journal of Research in Personality. 84: 103888
Schimmack U. (2019) The Implicit Association Test: A Method in Search of a Construct. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691619863798
Oishi S, Kushlev K, Schimmack U. (2018) Progressive Taxation, Income Inequality, and Happiness. The American Psychologist
Kim H, Schimmack U, Oishi S, et al. (2017) Extraversion and life satisfaction: A cross-cultural examination of student and nationally representative samples. Journal of Personality
Gere J, Schimmack U. (2017) Benefits of income: Associations with life satisfaction among earners and homemakers Personality and Individual Differences. 119: 92-95
Martel MM, Nigg JT, Schimmack U. (2016) Psychometrically Informed Approach to Integration of Multiple Informant Ratings in Adult ADHD in a Community-Recruited Sample. Assessment
Kim H, Schimmack U, Cheng C, et al. (2016) The Role of Positive Self-Evaluation on Cross-Cultural Differences in Well-Being Cross-Cultural Research. 50: 85-99
Anusic I, Schimmack U. (2015) Stability and Change of Personality Traits, Self-Esteem, and Well-Being: Introducing the Meta-Analytic Stability and Change Model of Retest Correlations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
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