Corey Mackenzie

Psychology University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
Mental Health, Gerontology, Aging
"Corey Mackenzie"
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Murphy DJ, Mackenzie CS, Dryden RP, et al. (2024) Perceived control moderates the internalized stigma model of seeking mental health services in distressed older adults. Journal of Counseling Psychology
Mackenzie CS, Pankratz L. (2022) Perceived Need, Mental Health Literacy, Neuroticism and Self- Stigma Predict Mental Health Service Use Among Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist. 1-14
Afifi TO, Bolton SL, Mota N, et al. (2020) Rationale and Methodology of the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS): A 16-year Follow-up Survey: Raison D'être Et Méthodologie De L'enquête De Suivi Sur La Santé Mentale Des Membres Des Forces Armées Canadiennes Et Des Anciens Combattants, 2018 (ESSMFACM). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 706743720974837
Reynolds K, Medved M, Mackenzie CS, et al. (2020) Older Adults' Narratives of Seeking Mental Health Treatment: Making Sense of Mental Health Challenges and "Muddling Through" to Care. Qualitative Health Research. 1049732320919094
Berard LDH, Mackenzie CS, Reynolds KA, et al. (2020) Choice, coercion, and/or muddling through: Older adults' experiences in seeking psychological treatment. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 255: 113011
Mackenzie CS, Heath PJ, Vogel DL, et al. (2019) Age differences in public stigma, self-stigma, and attitudes toward seeking help: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Nicholson R, Mackenzie C, Afifi TO, et al. (2018) Effects of Gambling Diagnostic Criteria Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5 on Mental Disorder Comorbidity Across Younger, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults in a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal of Gambling Studies
Cunningham JA, Hodgins DC, Bennett K, et al. (2016) Online interventions for problem gamblers with and without co-occurring mental health symptoms: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health. 16: 624
El-Gabalawy R, Mackenzie CS, Sareen J. (2016) Mental health service use among older Canadians with anxiety and comorbid physical conditions. Aging & Mental Health. 20: 627-36
St John PD, Mackenzie C, Menec V. (2015) Does life satisfaction predict five-year mortality in community-living older adults? Aging & Mental Health. 19: 363-70
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