Stuart A. Rice

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Physical chemistry, thermodynamics
"Stuart A. Rice"
DOI: 10.1146/annurev.physchem.59.032607.093731
The 2011 Wolf Prize in Chemistry: Stuart A. Rice, Ching Tang and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski for deep creative contributions to the chemical sciences in the field of synthesis, properties and an understanding of organic materials;

Mean distance: 7.14 (cluster 13)


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Paul Mead Doty grad student 1955 Harvard
 ( I. The molecular configuration of desoxypentose nucleic acid. II. Contribution to the theory of polyelectrolyte solutions.)
John Gamble Kirkwood post-doc 1957 Yale


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Thomas A Stephenson grad student Chicago
Robert A. Harris grad student 1960 Chicago
Roger D Corneliussen grad student 1962 Chicago (E-Tree)
H. Ted Davis grad student 1962 Chicago
Bruce J. Berne grad student 1964 Chicago
Martin T. Vala grad student 1964 Chicago (Physics Tree)
Robert J. Silbey grad student 1965 Chicago
John D. Weeks grad student 1969 Chicago
Hugh R. Wilson grad student 1969 Chicago (Neurotree)
William M. Gelbart grad student 1970 Chicago
Kenneth G. Spears grad student 1970 Chicago
Stuart A. Newman grad student 1965-1970 Chicago (Cell Biology Tree)
R. Bruce Weisman grad student 1971-1976 Chicago
Peter M. Weber grad student 1987 Chicago
Zhen-Gang Wang grad student 1982-1987 Chicago
Mark Kobrak grad student 1992-1998 Chicago
Suhail P. Shah grad student 2001 Chicago
Bianxiao Cui grad student 2002 Chicago
Dongxu Li grad student 2004 Chicago
Mustafa Demirplak grad student 2005 Chicago
Derek Frydel grad student 2005 Chicago
Xu Jiang grad student 2005 Chicago
Xinliang Xu grad student 2007 Chicago
Shu-Yao A. Sheu grad student 2008 Chicago
Eric J. Heller post-doc Chicago
Ronnie Kosloff post-doc Chicago
Joshua Jortner post-doc 1962-1964 Chicago
Ian Hillier post-doc 1964-1966 Chicago
Sighart F. Fischer post-doc 1968-1969 Chicago
Donald F. Heller post-doc 1972-1973 Chicago
James E. Butler post-doc 1972-1975 Chicago (E-Tree)
William G Madden post-doc 1975-1977 Chicago
David J. Tannor post-doc 1983-1986 Chicago
Stephen Kevin Gray post-doc 1984-1986 Chicago
Jeremy Schofield post-doc 1993-1995 Chicago (Computer Science Tree)
Andrew Marcus post-doc 1994-1996 Chicago
John J. Kozak research scientist 1967-1968 Chicago
BETA: Related publications


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Nowack L, Rice SA. (2019) Sequential phase transitions and transient structured fluctuations in two-dimensional systems with a high-density Kagome lattice phase. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 151: 244504
Yifat Y, Coursault D, Peterson CW, et al. (2018) Reactive optical matter: light-induced motility in electrodynamically asymmetric nanoscale scatterers. Light, Science & Applications. 7: 105
Krebs Z, Roitman AB, Nowack LM, et al. (2018) Transient structured fluctuations in a two-dimensional system with multiple ordered phases. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 149: 034503
Figliozzi P, Sule N, Yan Z, et al. (2017) Driven optical matter: Dynamics of electrodynamically coupled nanoparticles in an optical ring vortex. Physical Review. E. 95: 022604
He Y, Rice SA, Xu X. (2016) Analytic solution of the Ornstein-Zernike relation for inhomogeneous liquids. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 145: 234508
Sule N, Rice SA, Gray SK, et al. (2015) An electrodynamics-Langevin dynamics (ED-LD) approach to simulate metal nanoparticle interactions and motion. Optics Express. 23: 29978-92
Masuda S, Rice SA. (2015) A model study of assisted adiabatic transfer of population in the presence of collisional dephasing. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 142: 244303
Masuda S, Rice SA. (2015) Fast-forward assisted STIRAP. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 119: 3479-87
Masuda S, Rice SA. (2015) Selective Vibrational Population Transfer using Combined Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage and Counter-Diabatic Fields Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119: 14513-14523
Lin B, Cui B, Xu X, et al. (2014) Divergence of the long-wavelength collective diffusion coefficient in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional colloidal suspensions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89: 022303
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