Serge O. Dumoulin

Experimental and Applied Psychology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
 Experimental Psychology Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
 Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging 
Perception, Cognition, Neuroscience, Vision, Neuroimaging
"Serge Dumoulin"
Mean distance: 13.32 (cluster 23)
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Papale P, Zuiderbaan W, Teeuwen RRM, et al. (2024) V1 neurons are tuned to perceptual borders in natural scenes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2221623121
Luo J, Yokoi I, Dumoulin SO, et al. (2024) Bistable perception of symbolic numbers. Journal of Vision. 24: 12
Aqil M, Knapen T, Dumoulin SO. (2024) Computational model links normalization to chemoarchitecture in the human visual system. Science Advances. 10: eadj6102
Heij J, Raimondo L, Siero JCW, et al. (2023) A selection and targeting framework of cortical locations for line-scanning fMRI. Human Brain Mapping
Cai Y, Hofstetter S, Dumoulin SO. (2023) Non-symbolic numerosity maps at the occipitotemporal cortex respond to symbolic numbers. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Gaglianese A, Fracasso A, Fernandes FG, et al. (2023) Mechanisms of speed encoding in the human middle temporal cortex measured by 7T fMRI. Human Brain Mapping
Raimondo L, Heij J, Knapen T, et al. (2023) Towards functional spin-echo BOLD line-scanning in humans at 7T. Magma (New York, N.Y.)
Raimondo L, Priovoulos N, Passarinho C, et al. (2022) Robust high spatio-temporal line-scanning fMRI in humans at 7T using multi-echo readouts, denoising and prospective motion correction. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 384: 109746
Hofstetter S, Dumoulin SO. (2022) Assessing the ecological validity of numerosity-selective neuronal populations with real-world natural scenes. Iscience. 25: 105267
van Dijk JA, de Jong MC, Piantoni G, et al. (2022) Intracranial recordings show evidence of numerosity tuning in human parietal cortex. Plos One. 17: e0272087
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