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Charles Randy Gallistel

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Cognition, Learning, Memory
"Charles Gallistel"

BA Stanford, 1963
PhD Yale 1966
Asst-Full Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 1966-1989
Professor UCLA 1989-2000
Professor Rutgers 2000 -
Member National Academy of Sciences
Member American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Member Society of Experimental Psychologists
William James Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science
Warren Medalist, SEP

Mean distance: 11.78 (cluster 29)


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J. Anthony Deutsch research assistant UCSD
Neal E. Miller grad student Yale


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Max Bialek research assistant Rutgers, New Brunswick
Eric Hau-Yun Chang research assistant UCLA
David M Freestone research assistant Rutgers, New Brunswick
Omar M. Mahmood research assistant 1997-1999 UCLA
Dong-Seon Chang research assistant 2004-2004 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Jack Adam Yanovski grad student Penn
Edmund Rolls grad student 1968-1969 Penn
Walter K. Beagley grad student 1968-1973 Penn
Gary Matthews grad student 1971-1975 Penn
Peter Shizgal grad student 1972-1975 Penn
James R. Stellar grad student 1972-1976 Penn
Ken Cheng grad student 1980-1984 Penn
Paul W. Glimcher grad student 1985-1989 Penn
Erik C. Sobel grad student 1985-1989 Penn
Audrey Cramer grad student 1990-1996 UCLA
Janine Simmons grad student 1992-1996 UCLA
Matthew Leon grad student 1992-1997 UCLA
Adam Phillip King grad student 1993-1997 UCLA
Sara J. Cordes grad student 2000-2005 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Monika Krishan grad student 2007 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Fuat Balci grad student 2002-2007 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Efstathios B. Papachristos grad student 2002-2008 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Aaron Kheifets grad student 2008-2014 Rutgers, New Brunswick
John S. Yeomans post-doc Penn
Elna Yadin post-doc 1979-1982 Penn
Yutaka Gomita post-doc 1980-1982 Penn
Meg Waraczynski post-doc 1987-1989 Penn
Daniel Gottlieb post-doc 2004-2006 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Kristi VanMarle post-doc 2004-2007 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Pierre Pica research scientist MIT


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Warren H. Meck collaborator Duke
Peter Balsam collaborator 2001- Rutgers, New Brunswick
John Gibbon collaborator 1995-1998 Columbia University Medical School
 (Gallistel sabbatical in New York)
BETA: Related publications


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Mallea J, Schulhof A, Gallistel CR, et al. (2024) Both probability and rate of reinforcement can affect the acquisition and maintenance of conditioned responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition. 50: 254-266
Balsam PD, Simpson EH, Taylor K, et al. (2024) Learning depends on the information conveyed by temporal relationships between events and is reflected in the dopamine response to cues. Science Advances. 10: eadi7137
Akdoğan B, Wanar A, Gersten BK, et al. (2023) Temporal encoding: Relative and absolute representations of time guide behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition. 49: 46-61
Aydoğan T, Karşılar H, Duyan YA, et al. (2023) The timing database: An open-access, live repository for interval timing studies. Behavior Research Methods
Kalmbach A, Winiger V, Jeong N, et al. (2022) Dopamine encodes real-time reward availability and transitions between reward availability states on different timescales. Nature Communications. 13: 3805
Gallistel CR, Papachristos EB. (2019) Number and time in acquisition, extinction and recovery. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 113: 15-36
Gallistel CR, Craig AR, Shahan TA. (2019) Contingency, contiguity, and causality in conditioning: Applying information theory and Weber's Law to the assignment of credit problem. Psychological Review
Light KR, Cotten B, Malekan T, et al. (2019) Evidence for a Mixed Timing and Counting Strategy in Mice Performing a Mechner Counting Task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 13: 109
Kalmbach A, Chun E, Taylor K, et al. (2019) Time-scale-invariant information-theoretic contingencies in discrimination learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition
Kheifets A, Freestone D, Gallistel CR. (2017) Theoretical implications of quantitative properties of interval timing and probability estimation in mouse and rat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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