Jordan B. Downing, Ph.D.

2013 Clark University, Worcester, MA, United States 
General Psychology, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies
"Jordan Downing"
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Rachel J. Falmagne grad student 2013 Clark University
 (Trans identity construction: Reconstituting the body, gender, and sex.)
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Downing JB. (2013) Transgender-parent families Lgbt-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications For Practice. 105-115
Goldberg AE, Downing JB, Moyer AM. (2012) Why Parenthood, and Why Now?: Gay Men's Motivations for Pursuing Parenthood. Family Relations. 61: 157-174
Goldberg AE, Kinkler LA, Richardson HB, et al. (2012) On the border: young adults with LGBQ parents navigate LGBTQ communities. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 59: 71-85
Goldberg AE, Downing JB, Richardson HB. (2012) The transition from infertility to adoption: Perceptions of lesbian and heterosexual couples Child Maltreatment: a Collection of Readings. 139-162
Downing JB, Goldberg AE. (2011) Lesbian mothers' constructions of the division of paid and unpaid labor Feminism and Psychology. 21: 100-120
Goldberg AE, Kinkler LA, Richardson HB, et al. (2011) Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples in Open Adoption Arrangements: A Qualitative Study Journal of Marriage and Family. 73: 502-518
Downing J, Richardson H, Kinkler L, et al. (2009) Making the Decision: Factors Influencing Gay Men's Choice of an Adoption Path Adoption Quarterly. 12: 247-271
Goldberg AE, Downing JB, Sauck CC. (2008) Perceptions of children's parental preferences in lesbian two-mother households Journal of Marriage and Family. 70: 419-434
Goldberg AE, Downing JB, Sauck C. (2007) Choices, challenges, and tensions: Perspectives of lesbian prospective adoptive parents Adoption Quarterly. 10: 33-64
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