Peony E. Fhagen-Smith, Ph.D.

2002 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies
"Peony Fhagen-Smith"
Mean distance: 30533.1


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William E. Cross grad student (Culture, Race and Ethnicity Tree)
Lynn S. Liben grad student 2002 Penn State
 (Parental racial and cultural socialization and the racial and ethnic self -concept of African -American children.)
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Fhagen-Smith PE, Vandiver BJ, Worrell FC, et al. (2010) (Re)Examining racial identity attitude differences across gender, community type, and socioeconomic status among African American college students Identity. 10: 164-180
Worrell FC, Vandiver BJ, Schaefer BA, et al. (2006) Generalizing nigrescence profiles: Cluster analyses of Cross Racial Identity Scale (CRIS) scores in three Independent Samples Counseling Psychologist. 34: 519-547
Worrell FC, Vandiver BJ, Cross WE, et al. (2004) Reliability and structural validity of cross racial identity scale scores in a sample of African American adults Journal of Black Psychology. 30: 489-505
Vandiver BJ, Cross WE, Worrell FC, et al. (2002) Validating the Cross Racial Identity Scale Journal of Counseling Psychology. 49: 71-85
Vandiver BJ, Fhagen-Smith PE, Cokley KO, et al. (2001) Cross's nigrescence model: From theory to scale to theory Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 29: 174-200
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