
Michelle L. Schoenleber, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology
"Michelle Schoenleber"
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Howard Berenbaum grad student 2013 UIUC
 (Testing alternative motivational models for self-injurious behavior.)
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Schoenleber M, Beltran E, Peters JR, et al. (2021) Association between Shame Aversion and Ruminative Retribution: Evidence for Moderation by Externalization of Blame and Control. Motivation and Emotion. 45: 798-808
Schoenleber M, Collins A, Berenbaum H. (2021) Proneness for and aversion to self-conscious emotion in posttraumatic stress. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Mu W, Schoenleber M, Leon AC, et al. (2019) Body Image Distortion Following Social Rejection or Acceptance Cues Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 38: 395-408
Schoenleber M. (2018) Ending the Competition to Better Understand Emotional Processes in Borderline Personality Pathology: Commentary on Gunderson et al. Journal of Personality Disorders. 32: 185-191
Schoenleber M, Berghoff CR, Gratz KL, et al. (2018) Emotional lability and affective synchrony in posttraumatic stress disorder pathology. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 53: 68-75
Berenbaum H, Chow PI, Flores LE, et al. (2018) A test of the initiation–termination model of worry Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 9: 204380871877896
Schoenleber M, Milanak ME, Schuld E, et al. (2018) Rating Procedures for Improving Identification of Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events When Using Checklist Measures Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 27: 1090-1109
Schoenleber M, Gratz KL. (2018) Self-Acceptance Group Therapy: A Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Shame Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 25: 75-86
Schoenleber M, Berghoff CR, Tull MT, et al. (2016) Emotional lability and affective synchrony in borderline personality disorder. Personality Disorders. 7: 211-20
Berenbaum H, Chow PI, Schoenleber M, et al. (2016) Personality and pleasurable emotions Personality and Individual Differences. 101: 400-406
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