Kirsten Ziman
Affiliations: | 2015-2017 | Psychological and Brain Sciences | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States |
"Kirsten Ziman"Mean distance: 106866
Sign in to add mentorWon Mok Shim | research assistant | 2015-2016 | Dartmouth |
Jeremy R. Manning | grad student | 2017- | Dartmouth |
Peter Ulric Tse | grad student | 2017- | Dartmouth |
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Saleki S, Ziman K, Hartstein KC, et al. (2022) Endogenous attention biases transformational apparent motion based on high-level shape representations. Journal of Vision. 22: 16 |
Ziman K, Heusser AC, Fitzpatrick PC, et al. (2018) Is automatic speech-to-text transcription ready for use in psychological experiments? Behavior Research Methods |
Ziman K, Heusser AC, Fitzpatrick PC, et al. (2017) Quail: A Python toolbox for analyzing and plotting free recall data The Journal of Open Source Software. 2: 424 |
Ziman K, Familiar A, Shim WM. (2016) Positive affect worsens ensemble coding performance Journal of Vision. 16: 59 |