Evan Plys

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO, United States 
"Evan Plys"
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Plys E, Smith R, Portz JD. (2022) "You Lose Some Good Friends": Death and Grief in Assisted Living. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 1-17
Plys E, Smith R. (2021) Profiles of Expectations Regarding Aging After Relocation to Assisted Living. Journal of Aging and Environment. 35: 319-337
Plys E, Qualls SH. (2020) Programmed Activity Offerings and Attendance Patterns in Assisted Living. Activities, Adaptation & Aging. 45: 276-288
Plys E, Johnson-Koenke R. (2020) Perceived Social Standing in Assisted Living Communities: A Mixed-Methods Study of Social Hierarchies Among Residents. Research On Aging. 164027520932823
Strong JV, Plys E, Hartmann CW, et al. (2020) Strategies for Implementing Group Mental Health Interventions in a VA Community Living Center. Clinical Gerontologist. 1-13
Portz JD, Elsbernd K, Plys E, et al. (2020) Elements of Social Convoy Theory in Mobile Health for Palliative Care: Scoping Review. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 8: e16060
Portz J, Ford K, Elsbernd K, et al. (2020) Elements of Family, Social Relationships, and Caregiving in Palliative Care mHealth: A Scoping Review (S731) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 59: 546
Plys E, Qualls SH. (2019) Sense of community and its relationship with psychological well-being in assisted living. Aging & Mental Health. 1-9
Plys E, Qualls SH. (2019) Programmed Activity Attendance in Assisted Living: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior with Additional Health Factors. Clinical Gerontologist. 1-12
Plys E, Smith R, Jacobs ML. (2019) Masculinity and Military Culture in VA Hospice and Palliative Care: A Narrative Review With Clinical Recommendations. Journal of Palliative Care. 825859719851483
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