Lindsay N. Anderson

2012 College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences - Psychology University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO, United States 
"Lindsay Anderson"
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Sara H. Qualls grad student 2012 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
 (Attributions and symptom reports of cognitive impairment: Testing the symmetry rule in caregiver therapy clients.)
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Qualls SH, Klebe KJ, Berryman K, et al. (2015) Motivational and cognitive pathways to medical help-seeking for Alzheimer's disease: a cognitive impairment response model. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 70: 57-66
Pepin R, Williams AA, Anderson LN, et al. (2013) A preliminary typology of caregivers and effects on service utilization of caregiver counseling. Aging & Mental Health. 17: 495-507
Anderson LN, McCaul KD, Langley LK. (2011) Common-sense beliefs about the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Aging & Mental Health. 15: 922-31
Silva-Smith AL, Feliciano L, Kluge MA, et al. (2011) The Palisades: an interdisciplinary wellness model in senior housing. The Gerontologist. 51: 406-14
Qualls SH, Anderson LN. (2009) Family therapy in late life Psychiatric Annals. 39: 844-850
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