Damien Sutevski

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
fusion, liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics
"Damien Sutevski"
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Sutevski D, Smolentsev S, Abdou M. (2014) 3D numerical study of pressure equalization in MHD flow in a rectangular duct with insulating flow channel insert Fusion Engineering and Design. 89: 1370-1374
Li FC, Sutevski D, Smolentsev S, et al. (2013) Experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop in PbLi flows in a circular duct under non-uniform transverse magnetic field Fusion Engineering and Design. 88: 3060-3071
Sutevski D, Smolentsev S, Morley N, et al. (2011) 3d numerical study of mhd flow in a rectangular duct with a flow channel insert Fusion Science and Technology. 60: 513-517
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