André Roucoux

Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) 
"André Roucoux"
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Roucoux A, Crommelinck M, Borel L. (2012) Eye-Head Coordination in Oblique Gaze Shifts in Cats The Head-Neck Sensory Motor System
Gómez CM, Delinte A, Vaquero E, et al. (2002) Sensory and motor attentional modulation during the manual gap effect in humans: a high-density ERP study. Experimental Brain Research. 142: 385-94
Delinte A, Gomez CM, Decostre MF, et al. (2002) Amplitude transition function of human express saccades. Neuroscience Research. 42: 21-34
Gómez CM, Delinte A, Vaquero E, et al. (2001) Current source density analysis of CNV during temporal gap paradigm. Brain Topography. 13: 149-59
Schiltz C, Bodart JM, Dubois S, et al. (1999) Neuronal mechanisms of perceptual learning: changes in human brain activity with training in orientation discrimination. Neuroimage. 9: 46-62
Dejardin S, Dubois S, Bodart JM, et al. (1998) PET study of human voluntary saccadic eye movements in darkness: effect of task repetition on the activation pattern. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 10: 2328-36
Schiltz C, Bodart JM, Dubois S, et al. (1998) The effects of training in a visuo-motor task on the rCBF in the human brain: A PET study Neuroimage. 7: S833
Missal M, Lefèvre P, Delinte A, et al. (1996) Smooth eye movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the cat's superior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research. 107: 382-90
Missal M, Lefèvre P, Crommelinck M, et al. (1995) Evidence for high-velocity smooth pursuit in the trained cat. Experimental Brain Research. 106: 509-12
Lefèvre P, Galiana HL, Roucoux A. (1994) Neural Networks and Dynamic Feedback in the Superior Colliculus. Studies in Visual Information Processing. 5: 257-269
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