Eva Fifkova, MD, PhD

1974-2000 Psychology and Neuroscience University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Focused on synaptic plasticity in the fine structure of nervous tissue with respect to learning and memory, aging and alcoholism; actin, calcium, hippocampal dendritic spines, electron microscopy
"Eva Fifkova"

Eva Fifkova, MD, PhD (1932-2010)
She received her medical education and doctorate in physiology from Charles University in Prague, her hometown. She was a founding member of the Laboratory of Neurophysiology, in the Physiology Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1958) where she worked under the supervision of Professor Jan Bures. She came to the US in 1968 to work as a research associate at the California Institute of Technology in the Department of Biology where she worked with Anthonie Van Harreveld and James Olds. She was subsequently (1974) appointed to Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder. During her career Eva was internationally recognized for her micro-anatomical research on the nervous system, in particular of the effects of learning and memory on hippocampal dendritic spines. She was also recognized for her computer reconstruction of the 3-D organization of brain cells.

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Jan Bures research assistant 1957-1968 School of Medicine, Prague, Czechoslovakia
James Olds post-doc 1968-1974 Caltech
Anthonie Van Harreveld post-doc 1968-1974 Caltech


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Daniel S. Barth collaborator CU Boulder
Olga Buresova collaborator 1957-1968 School of Medicine, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Joseph Marsala collaborator 1960-1968 Czechoslovakia Academy of Science
Tomas Weiss collaborator 1960-1968 Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
James Olds collaborator 1968-1974 Caltech
Marianne Olds collaborator 1968-1974 University of Michigan
Anthonie Van Harreveld collaborator 1968-1974 Caltech
Charles A. Greer collaborator 1974-1979 Yale Med Sch
Philip M. Groves collaborator 1974-1981 CU Boulder
Todd D. McIntyre collaborator 1980-1986 CU Boulder
Herbert P. Alpern collaborator 1974-2000 CU Boulder
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Brett-Green B, Paulsen M, Staba RJ, et al. (2004) Two distinct regions of secondary somatosensory cortex in the rat: topographical organization and multisensory responses. Journal of Neurophysiology. 91: 1327-36
Brett-Green B, Fifková E, Larue DT, et al. (2003) A multisensory zone in rat parietotemporal cortex: intra- and extracellular physiology and thalamocortical connections. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 460: 223-37
Macdonald KD, Fifkova E, Jones MS, et al. (1998) Focal stimulation of the thalamic reticular nucleus induces focal gamma waves in cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 79: 474-7
Fifkova E, Morales M. (1992) Aging and the neurocytoskeleton. Experimental Gerontology. 27: 125-36
Fifková E, Morales M. (1992) Actin matrix of dendritic spines, synaptic plasticity, and long-term potentiation. International Review of Cytology. 139: 267-307
Morales M, Fifková E. (1991) Distribution of acetylated alpha-tubulin in brain. In situ localization and biochemical characterization. Cell and Tissue Research. 265: 415-23
Morales M, Fifková E. (1989) In situ localization of myosin and actin in dendritic spines with the immunogold technique. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 279: 666-74
Morales M, Fifkova E. (1989) Distribution of MAP2 in dendritic spines and its colocalization with actin. An immunogold electron-microscope study. Cell and Tissue Research. 256: 447-56
Fifková E, Morales M. (1989) Calcium-regulated contractile and cytoskeletal proteins in dendritic spines may control synaptic plasticity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 568: 131-7
Scheetz AJ, Markham JA, Fifková E. (1988) Astrocyte proliferation precedes a decrease in basket cells in the dentate fascia following chronic ethanol treatment in mice. Brain Research. 460: 246-52
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