Elisa Romano

Psychologie / Psychology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health
"Elisa Romano"
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Moorman J, Romano E. (2023) The experience of childhood sexual abuse: An exploratory description of psychological and adaptive functioning in Canadian men. Child Abuse & Neglect. 145: 106402
Black KR, Collin-Vézina D, Brend D, et al. (2021) Trauma-informed attitudes in residential treatment settings: Staff, child and youth factors predicting adoption, maintenance and change over time. Child Abuse & Neglect. 105361
Chiasson C, Moorman J, Romano E, et al. (2021) The influence of emotion on working memory: Exploratory fMRI findings among men with histories of childhood sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect. 122: 105340
Stenason L, Romano E, Cheung C. (2020) Using Research within Child Welfare: Reactions to a Training Initiative. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work (2019). 1-21
Rogers-Brown JS, Self-Brown S, Romano E, et al. (2020) Behavior change across implementations of the SafeCare model in real world settings Children and Youth Services Review. 117: 105284
Romano E, Stenason L, Weegar K, et al. (2020) Improving child welfare’s use of data for service planning: Practitioner perspectives on a training curriculum Children and Youth Services Review. 110: 104783
Romano E, Gallitto E, Firth K, et al. (2020) Does the SafeCare Parenting Program Impact Caregiver Mental Health Journal of Child and Family Studies. 29: 2653-2665
Gallitto E, Romano E, Whitaker D. (2020) Investigating the Impact of the SafeCare Program on Parenting Behaviours in Child Welfare-Involved Families Tradition
Romano E, Weegar K, Gallitto E, et al. (2019) Meta-Analysis on Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. 1524838019881737
Gallitto E, Veilleux GJ, Romano E. (2019) How Do Knowledge and Attitudes About Children's Rights Influence Spanking Attitudes? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519852631
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