Floris Tijmen van Vugt

2014- Psychology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
motor learning, sensorimotor integration, auditory feedback, rehabilitation, computational linguistics, mathematics
"Floris van Vugt"
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Kumar N, van Vugt FT, Ostry DJ. (2021) Recognition memory for human motor learning. Current Biology : Cb
Gatti D, Van Vugt F, Vecchi T. (2020) A causal role for the cerebellum in semantic integration: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Scientific Reports. 10: 18139
van Vugt FT, Altenmüller E. (2019) On the One Hand or on the Other: Trade-Off in Timing Precision in Bimanual Musical Scale Playing. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. 15: 216-227
Sidarta A, van Vugt F, Ostry DJ. (2018) Somatosensory Working Memory in Human Reinforcement-Based Motor Learning. Journal of Neurophysiology
Bernardi NF, Van Vugt FT, Valle-Mena R, et al. (2018) Error-related Persistence of Motor Activity in Resting-state Networks. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-19
van Vugt FT, Ostry DJ. (2018) From known to unknown: moving to unvisited locations in a novel sensorimotor map. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
van Vugt FT, Ostry DJ. (2017) The Structure and Acquisition of Sensorimotor Maps. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-17
van Vugt FT, Kafczyk T, Kuhn W, et al. (2016) The role of auditory feedback in music-supported stroke rehabilitation: A single-blinded randomised controlled intervention. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 34: 297-311
Vaquero L, Hartmann K, Ripollés P, et al. (2015) Structural neuroplasticity in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset. Neuroimage
van Vugt FT, Tillmann B. (2015) Auditory feedback in error-based learning of motor regularity. Brain Research. 1606: 54-67
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