Zach Roper

Psychology University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
visual attention, visual cognition
"Zach Roper"
Mean distance: 15.51 (cluster 23)
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Santee S, Roper Z, Woodman G, et al. (2017) Electrophysiological indices of value-driven attentional capture extinction Journal of Vision. 17: 982
Roper Z, Schall J, Woodman G. (2017) Electrophysiological indices of target selection and distractor suppression under varying perceptual load: Evidence for spreading suppression Journal of Vision. 17: 979
Roper ZJ, Vecera SP. (2016) Funny money: the attentional role of monetary feedback detached from expected value. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Roper ZJJ, Vecera SP. (2015) Rewards shape attentional search modes Visual Cognition. 23: 847-851
Roper ZJ, Vecera SP, Vaidya JG. (2014) Value-driven attentional capture in adolescence. Psychological Science. 25: 1987-93
Matsukura M, Cosman JD, Roper ZJ, et al. (2014) Location-specific effects of attention during visual short-term memory maintenance. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 40: 1103-16
Roper ZJ, Vecera SP. (2014) Visual short-term memory load strengthens selective attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21: 549-56
Roper Z, Vecera S, Vaidya J. (2014) Value-driven attentional capture resists extinction in adolescence Journal of Vision. 14: 505-505
Vecera SP, Cosman JD, Vatterott DB, et al. (2014) The control of visual attention. Toward a unified account Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory. 60: 303-347
Roper ZJ, Vecera SP. (2013) Response terminated displays unload selective attention. Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 967
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