Leonard Zaichkowsky

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Physical Education, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"Leonard Zaichkowsky"
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Zaichkowsky L. (2012) Psychophysiology and neuroscience in sport: Introduction to the special issue Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 6: 1-5
Zaichkowsky L. (2007) Sport Psychology: A Primer for Educators. Journal of Education. 187: 1-8
Zaichkowsky L, Naylor A. (2005) Sport Psychology Foundations, Organizations, and Related Resources Journal of Applied School Psychology. 21: 9-24
Arthur J, Zaichkowsky L. (2005) The Sport Psych Handbook Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 19: 335-336
Naylor AH, Gardner D, Zaichkowsky L. (2001) Drug use patterns among high school athletes and nonathletes. Adolescence. 36: 627-39
Perna FM, Ahlgren RL, Zaichkowsky L. (1999) The influence of career planning, race, and athletic injury on life satisfaction among recently retired collegiate male athletes Sport Psychologist. 13: 144-156
Perna FM, Zaichkowsky L, Bocknek G. (1996) The association of mentoring with psychosocial development among male athletes at termination of college career Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 8: 76-88
Larson GA, Starkey C, Zaichkowsky LD. (1996) Psychological aspects of athletic injuries as perceived by athletic trainers Sport Psychologist. 10: 37-47
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