John Reinhard
Affiliations: | Brain Insights, New Berlin, WI, United States |
"John Reinhard"Mean distance: 14.64 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add collaboratorMatthew P. Galloway | collaborator | 1981-1983 | Yale School of Medicine |
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Ozaki Y, Reinhard JF, Nichol CA. (1986) Cofactor activity of dihydroflavin mononucleotide and tetrahydrobiopterin for murine epididymal indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 137: 1106-11 |
Reinhard JF, Galloway MP, Roth RH. (1983) Noradrenergic modulation of serotonin synthesis and metabolism. II. Stimulation by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 226: 764-9 |
Reinhard JF, Ozaki Y, Moskowitz MA. (1980) A specific and sensitive microassay for hydroxyindoles in biological material--application for cerebral microvessels, brain, and pineal organ of the rat. Biochemical Pharmacology. 29: 3020-3 |
Reinhard JF, Moskowitz MA, Sved AF, et al. (1980) A simple, sensitive and reliable assay for serotonin and 5-HIAA in brain tissue using liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Life Sciences. 27: 905-11 |
Reinhard JF, Liebmann JE, Schlosberg AJ, et al. (1979) Serotonin neurons project to small blood vessels in the brain. Science (New York, N.Y.). 206: 85-7 |
Moskowitz MA, Reinhard JF, Romero J, et al. (1979) Neurotransmitters and the fifth cranial nerve: is there a relation to the headache phase of migraine? Lancet. 2: 883-5 |
Reinhard JF, Wurtman RJ. (1977) Relation between brain 5-HIAA levels and the release of serotonin into brain synapses. Life Sciences. 21: 1741-6 |