Todd A. Kahan
Affiliations: | Bates College, Lewiston, ME, United States |
Cognitive Psychology, Attention, Perception, Semantic Memory, AutomaticityGoogle:
"Todd Kahan"Mean distance: 19.18 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Kahan TA, Smith ZP. (2023) Effects of alerting signals on the spatial Stroop effect: evidence for modality differences. Psychological Research |
Savino GE, Kahan TA. (2022) Target-mask similarity affects both object substitution masking and object recovery. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 49: 263-275 |
Kahan TA, Slowiaczek LM, Harrison ACM, et al. (2022) EXPRESS: Temporal and Sequential Negative Priming Generalize Across Visual and Auditory Modalities and are Dependent on Relative Rather than Absolute Speed. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218221100248 |
Kahan TA, Slowiaczek L, Scott N, et al. (2020) EXPRESS: Word Frequency Does Not Moderate the Degree to Which People Can Selectively Attend to Parts of Visually Presented Words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021820969069 |
Kahan TA, Slowiaczek LM, Altschuler MR, et al. (2019) Temporal negative priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Kahan TA, Zhang H. (2019) Ready to be distracted: Further evidence that the alerting-congruency interaction requires stimulus-response directional associations Visual Cognition. 27: 760-767 |
Choi H, Connor CB, Wason SE, et al. (2016) The Effects of Interdependent and Independent Priming on Western Participants’ Ability to Perceive Changes in Visual Scenes Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 47: 97-108 |
Ocampo B, Kahan TA. (2015) Evaluating automatic attentional capture by self-relevant information. Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-2 |
Prioli SC, Kahan TA. (2015) Identifying words that emerge into consciousness: Effects of word valence and unconscious previewing. Consciousness and Cognition. 35: 88-97 |
Slowiaczek LM, Kahan TA. (2014) Evidence for the automatic processing of prelexical codes in an orthographic but not a phonological task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21: 1607-16 |