Richard L. Borowsky

Biology New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Neuroscience Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
"Richard Borowsky"
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Borowsky R, Luk A, Kim RS. (2019) Sperm swimming behaviors are correlated with sperm haploid genetic variability in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. Plos One. 14: e0218538
Herman A, Brandvain Y, Weagley J, et al. (2018) The role of gene flow in rapid and repeated evolution of cave related traits in Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. Molecular Ecology
Borowsky R, Luk A, He X, et al. (2018) Unique sperm haplotypes are associated with phenotypically different sperm subpopulations in Astyanax fish. Bmc Biology. 16: 72
Tabin JA, Aspiras A, Martineau B, et al. (2018) Temperature preference of cave and surface populations of Astyanax mexicanus. Developmental Biology
Aspiras AC, Rohner N, Martineau B, et al. (2015) Melanocortin 4 receptor mutations contribute to the adaptation of cavefish to nutrient-poor conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 9668-73
Yoshizawa M, Robinson BG, Duboué ER, et al. (2015) Distinct genetic architecture underlies the emergence of sleep loss and prey-seeking behavior in the Mexican cavefish. Bmc Biology. 13: 15
McGaugh SE, Gross JB, Aken B, et al. (2014) The cavefish genome reveals candidate genes for eye loss. Nature Communications. 5: 5307
Rohner N, Jarosz DF, Kowalko JE, et al. (2013) Cryptic variation in morphological evolution: HSP90 as a capacitor for loss of eyes in cavefish. Science (New York, N.Y.). 342: 1372-5
Borowsky R, Cohen D. (2013) Genomic consequences of ecological speciation in astyanax cavefish. Plos One. 8: e79903
Kowalko JE, Rohner N, Linden TA, et al. (2013) Convergence in feeding posture occurs through different genetic loci in independently evolved cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 16933-8
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