Douglas A. Penfield
Affiliations: | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
Educational Psychology Education, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Douglas Penfield"Mean distance: 13358.2
Sign in to add traineeJeffrey A. Meltzer | grad student | 2001 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Natasha D. Moore | grad student | 2003 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Gale Ferraro | grad student | 2006 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Dorota Staniewska | grad student | 2009 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Anthony P. Pawlak | grad student | 2010 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
La R. Bates | grad student | 2012 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Jeanette E. DeCastro | grad student | 2012 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
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Rheinheimer DC, Penfield DA. (2001) The effects of Type I error rate and power of the ANCOVA F test and selected alternatives under nonnormality and variance heterogeneity Journal of Experimental Education. 69: 373-391 |
Camilli G, Penfield DA. (1997) Variance estimation for differential test functioning based on Mantel-Haenszel statistics Journal of Educational Measurement. 34: 123-139 |
Schneider PJ, Penfield DA. (1997) Alexander and Govern's approximation: Providing an alternative to ANOVA under variance heterogeneity Journal of Experimental Education. 65: 271-286 |
Penfield DA. (1994) Choosing a Two-Sample Location Test. Journal of Experimental Education. 62: 343-360 |
Penfield DA, Koffler SL. (1986) A Nonparametric K-Sample Test for Equality of Slopes Educational and Psychological Measurement. 46: 537-542 |
Koffler SL, Penfield DA. (1984) A K‐SAMPLE EXTENSION TO FLIGNER'S CLASS OF TESTS FOR SCALE Australian Journal of Statistics. 26: 125-132 |
Dutoit EF, Penfield DA. (1979) Tables for determining the minimum incremental significance of the multiple correlation coefficient Educational and Psychological Measurement. 39: 767-778 |
Penfield DA, Koffler SL. (1978) Post Hoc Procedures for Some K-Sample Nonparametric Tests for Scale Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 3: 265-282 |
Penfield DA. (1978) The two-sample normal scores test for scale Educational and Psychological Measurement. 38: 657-663 |
Penfield DA, Koffler SL. (1978) A comparison of some K-sample nonparametric tests for seale Journal of Experimental Education. 47: 126-130 |