Thomas J. Imig, Ph.D.

Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, United States 
"Thomas Imig"
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Hutson KA, Durham D, Imig T, et al. (2008) Consequences of unilateral hearing loss: cortical adjustment to unilateral deprivation. Hearing Research. 237: 19-31
Poirier P, Samson FK, Imig TJ. (2003) Spectral shape sensitivity contributes to the azimuth tuning of neurons in the cat's inferior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 89: 2760-77
Samson FK, Barone P, Irons WA, et al. (2000) Directionality derived from differential sensitivity to monaural and binaural cues in the cat's medial geniculate body. Journal of Neurophysiology. 84: 1330-45
Imig TJ, Bibikov NG, Poirier P, et al. (2000) Directionality derived from pinna-cue spectral notches in cat dorsal cochlear nucleus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 83: 907-25
Barone P, Clarey JC, Irons WA, et al. (1996) Cortical synthesis of azimuth-sensitive single-unit responses with nonmonotonic level tuning: a thalamocortical comparison in the cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 75: 1206-20
Clarey JC, Barone P, Irons WA, et al. (1995) Comparison of noise and tone azimuth tuning of neurons in cat primary auditory cortex and medical geniculate body. Journal of Neurophysiology. 74: 961-80
Samson FK, Barone P, Clarey JC, et al. (1994) Effects of ear plugging on single-unit azimuth sensitivity in cat primary auditory cortex. II. Azimuth tuning dependent upon binaural stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 71: 2194-216
Clarey JC, Barone P, Imig TJ. (1994) Functional organization of sound direction and sound pressure level in primary auditory cortex of the cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 72: 2383-405
Samson FK, Clarey JC, Barone P, et al. (1993) Effects of ear plugging on single-unit azimuth sensitivity in cat primary auditory cortex. I. Evidence for monaural directional cues. Journal of Neurophysiology. 70: 492-511
Imig TJ, Irons WA, Samson FR. (1990) Single-unit selectivity to azimuthal direction and sound pressure level of noise bursts in cat high-frequency primary auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 63: 1448-66
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