Marco F. Congedo, Ph.D.

2003 The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States 
Physiological Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
"Marco Congedo"
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Joel F. Lubar grad student 2003 University of Tennessee
 (Tomographic neurofeedback: A new technique for the self -regulation of brain electrical activity.)
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Rodrigues P, Congedo M, Jutten C. (2020) Dimensionality transcending: a method for merging BCI datasets with different dimensionalities. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
Ros T, Enriquez-Geppert S, Zotev V, et al. (2020) Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist). Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Rodrigues PLC, Jutten C, Congedo M. (2019) Riemannian Procrustes Analysis: Transfer Learning for Brain–Computer Interfaces Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 66: 2390-2401
Cattan GH, Andreev A, Mendoza C, et al. (2019) A comparison of mobile VR display running on an ordinary smartphone with standard PC display for P300-BCI stimulus presentation Arxiv: Graphics. 1-1
Lotte F, Bougrain L, Cichocki A, et al. (2018) A Review of Classification Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A 10-year Update. Journal of Neural Engineering
Zanini P, Congedo M, Jutten C, et al. (2018) Transfer Learning: A Riemannian Geometry Framework With Applications to Brain–Computer Interfaces Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 65: 1107-1116
Barthélemy Q, Mayaud L, Renard Y, et al. (2017) Online denoising of eye-blinks in electroencephalography. Neurophysiologie Clinique = Clinical Neurophysiology
Arns MW, Batail JM, Bioulac S, et al. (2017) Neurofeedback: one of today's techniques in psychiatry? Encephale-Revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique. 43: 135-145
De Ridder D, Congedo M, Song JJ, et al. (2016) Whole scalp EEG power change is not a prerequisite for further EEG processing. Hearing Research
De Ridder D, Congedo M, Vanneste S. (2015) The neural correlates of subjectively perceived and passively matched loudness perception in auditory phantom perception. Brain and Behavior. 5: e00331
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