Kai A. Morgan, Psy.D.

2001 Carlos Albizu University 
Clinical Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education
"Kai Morgan"
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Gerardo Rodriguez-Menendez grad student 2001 Carlos Albizu University
 (Boulder and Vail models: A statistical analysis of the results for the Examination of Professional Practice in Psychology (1988--1996).)
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Edwards CL, Killough A, Wood M, et al. (2014) Emotional reactions to pain predict psychological distress in adult patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 47: 1-16
Madan A, Borckardt JJ, Barth KS, et al. (2013) Interprofessional collaborative care reduces excess service utilization among individuals with chronic pancreatitis. Journal For Healthcare Quality : Official Publication of the National Association For Healthcare Quality. 35: 41-6
Adams DB, Morgan KA. (2013) Commentary International Practices in Pancreatic Surgery. 2147483647: 79-87
Balliet WE, Edwards-Hampton S, Borckardt JJ, et al. (2012) Depressive Symptoms, Pain, and Quality of Life among Patients with Nonalcohol-Related Chronic Pancreatitis. Pain Research and Treatment. 2012: 978646
Wedin S, Byrne K, Morgan K, et al. (2012) Presurgical Weight Is Associated with Pain, Functional Impairment, and Anxiety among Gastric Bypass Surgery Patients. Pain Research and Treatment. 2012: 412174
Morgan KA, Owczarski SM, Borckardt JJ, et al. (2011) Pain Control and Quality of Life After Pancreatectomy With Islet Cell Autotransplantation for Chronic Pancreatitis Gastroenterology. 140: S-994-S-995
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