Renee Stein, Ph.D.

2001 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology
"Renee Stein"
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Fredda Blanchard-Fields grad student 2001 Georgia Tech
 (Negative age stereotypes and older adults' memory performance: An examination of age stereotype activation and underlying mechanisms.)
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Blanchard-Fields F, Stein R, Watson TL. (2004) Age differences in emotion-regulation strategies in handling everyday problems. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 59: P261-9
Stein R, Blanchard-Fields F, Hertzog C. (2002) The effects of age-stereotype priming on the memory performance of older adults. Experimental Aging Research. 28: 169-81
Blanchard-Fields F, Hertzog C, Stein R, et al. (2001) Beyond a stereotyped view of older adults' traditional family values. Psychology and Aging. 16: 483-96
Blanchard-Fields F, Baldi R, Stein R. (1999) Age relevance and context effects on attributions across the adult lifespan International Journal of Behavioral Development. 23: 665-683
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