Takayuki Murakoshi

Saitama Medical University, Japan 
"Takayuki Murakoshi"
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Shinozaki R, Hojo Y, Mukai H, et al. (2016) Kainate-induced network activity in the anterior cingulate cortex. Neuroscience
Ohshiro H, Kubota S, Murakoshi T. (2011) Dopaminergic modulation of oscillatory network inhibition in the rat basolateral amygdala depends on initial activity state. Neuropharmacology. 61: 857-66
Ohshiro H, Song S, Yanagawa Y, et al. (2010) The property of GABAergic neurons in inhibitory network oscillation in the rat amygdala Neuroscience Research. 68: e174-e175
Ohshiro H, Murakoshi T. (2009) Receptor subtype analysis of dopaminergic modulation of inhibitory network oscillation in the rat amygdala Neuroscience Research. 65: S137
Saitow F, Murakoshi T, Suzuki H, et al. (2005) Metabotropic P2Y purinoceptor-mediated presynaptic and postsynaptic enhancement of cerebellar GABAergic transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 25: 2108-16
Takei T, Saegusa H, Zong S, et al. (2003) Increased sensitivity to halothane but decreased sensitivity to propofol in mice lacking the N-type Ca2+ channel. Neuroscience Letters. 350: 41-5
Takei T, Saegusa H, Zong S, et al. (2003) Anesthetic sensitivities to propofol and halothane in mice lacking the R-type (Cav2.3) Ca2+ channel. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 97: 96-103, table of con
Murakoshi T, Song SY, Konishi S, et al. (2001) Multiple G-protein-coupled receptors mediate presynaptic inhibition at single excitatory synapses in the rat visual cortex. Neuroscience Letters. 309: 117-20
Kaneko K, Murakoshi T, Kubota M, et al. (1998) Differential modulation by serotonin of GABA-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded from layer V pyramidal neurons in the rat visual cortex Neuroscience Research. 31: S70
Murakoshi T, Tanabe T. (1997) [Ca2+ channels in the central nervous system]. Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica. 109: 213-22
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