Florian Perdreau, Ph.D

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
Visual cognition, eye-hand interaction, sensorimotor integration, visuospatial representation
"Florian Perdreau"
Mean distance: 14.12 (cluster 23)
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Niehof N, Perdreau F, Koppen M, et al. (2019) Contributions of optostatic and optokinetic cues to the perception of vertical. Journal of Neurophysiology
Perdreau F, Cooke JRH, Koppen M, et al. (2018) Causal inference for spatial constancy across whole-body motion. Journal of Neurophysiology
Perdreau F, Medendorp P. (2018) Dynamics of spatial updating during whole-body passive translation Journal of Vision. 18: 790
Perdreau F, Koppen M, Medendorp P. (2017) Causal inference in the updating and weighting of allocentric and egocentric information for spatial constancy during whole-body motion Journal of Vision. 17: 362
Perdreau F, van Beers R, Medendorp P. (2016) Allocentric and egocentric contribution to manual interception by moving actors. Journal of Vision. 16: 1199
Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. (2015) Drawing experts have better visual memory while drawing. Journal of Vision. 15: 5
Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. (2015) Drawing experts have better visual memory while drawing Journal of Vision. 15: 1-10
Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. (2014) Drawing skill is related to the efficiency of encoding object structure. I-Perception. 5: 101-19
Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. (2014) Does drawing skill relate to better memory of local or global object structure? Journal of Vision. 14: 33-33
Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. (2013) The artist's advantage: Better integration of object information across eye movements. I-Perception. 4: 380-95
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