Priya Raghubir

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
"Priya Raghubir"
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Raghubir P, Capizzani M, Srivastava J. (2017) What’s in Your Wallet? Psychophysical Biases in the Estimation of Money Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 2: 105-122
Valenzuela A, Raghubir P. (2015) Are consumers aware of top-bottom but not of left-right inferences? Implications for shelf space positions. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied. 21: 224-41
Valenzuela A, Raghubir P, Mitakakis C. (2013) Shelf space schemas: Myth or reality? Journal of Business Research. 66: 881-888
Gaston-Breton C, Raghubir P. (2013) Opposing effects of sociodemographic variables on price knowledge Marketing Letters. 24: 29-42
Raghubir P, Morwitz VG, Santana S. (2012) Europoly Money: How Do Tourists Convert Foreign Currencies to Make Spending Decisions? Journal of Retailing. 88: 7-19
Raghubir P, Morwitz VG, Chakravarti A. (2011) Spatial categorization and time perception: Why does it take less time to get home? Journal of Consumer Psychology. 21: 192-198
Raghubir P, Celly KS. (2011) Promoting promotions: Does showcasing free gifts backfire? Journal of Business Research. 64: 55-58
Raghubir P, Roberts J, Lemon KN, et al. (2010) Why, when, and how should the effect of marketing be measured? A stakeholder perspective for corporate social responsibility metrics Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 29: 66-77
Raghubir P, Das SR. (2010) The Long and Short of It: Why are Stocks with Shorter Runs Preferred? Journal of Consumer Research. 36: 964-982
Raghubir P, Srivastava J. (2009) The denomination effect Journal of Consumer Research. 36: 701-713
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