Lucas M. Bronicki, Ph.D.

2013 Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
"Lucas Bronicki"
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Bernard J. Jasmin grad student 2013 University of Ottawa
 (Characterization of multiple exon 1 variants and neuron-specific transcriptional control of mammalian HuD.)
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Péladeau C, Adam N, Bronicki LM, et al. (2020) Identification of therapeutics that target eEF1A2 and upregulate utrophin A translation in dystrophic muscles. Nature Communications. 11: 1990
Nfonsam L, Huang L, Carson N, et al. (2019) ALU transposition induces familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. e951
Péladeau C, Ahmed A, Amirouche A, et al. (2015) Combinatorial Therapeutic Activation with Heparin and AICAR Stimulates Additive Effects on Utrophin A Expression in Dystrophic Muscles. Human Molecular Genetics
Bronicki LM, Jasmin BJ. (2013) Emerging complexity of the HuD/ELAVl4 gene; implications for neuronal development, function, and dysfunction. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 19: 1019-37
Bronicki LM, Bélanger G, Jasmin BJ. (2012) Characterization of multiple exon 1 variants in mammalian HuD mRNA and neuron-specific transcriptional control via Neurogenin 2 Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 11164-11175
Bronicki LM, Jasmin BJ. (2012) Trans-acting factors governing acetylcholinesterase mRNA metabolism in neurons. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 5: 36
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