Lillian M. Range

The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language
"Lillian Range"
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Brazda GF, Range LM, Remley TP, et al. (2018) Does knowing that a suicide was "rational" influence grief? Death Studies
Range LM. (2014) No to No-Suicide Contracts Psyccritiques. 59
Range L. (2011) Grief After Suicide: Important Questions, Insightful Answers Psyccritiques. 56
Antal HM, Range LM. (2009) Does writing about past childhood abuse reduce psychological and physical symptoms? Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 23: 239-252
Antal HM, Range LM. (2005) Psychological impact of writing about abuse or positive experiences. Violence and Victims. 20: 717-28
Pritchard-Boone L, Range LM. (2005) Suicidality and interrogative suggestibility. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 9: 353-9
Brown MM, Range LM. (2005) Responding to suicidal calls: does trait anxiety hinder or help? Death Studies. 29: 207-16
Range LM. (2005) The family of instruments that assess suicide risk Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 27: 133-140
Deters PB, Range LM. (2003) Does writing reduce posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms? Violence and Victims. 18: 569-80
Range LM, Berman M, Embry T. (2003) Effects of sentencing options and strict / lenient instructions on convicting suicide attempters. Death Studies. 27: 823-34
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