Joseph M. Huff

University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
visual system
"Joseph Huff"
Mean distance: 14.23 (cluster 17)
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Stoelzel CR, Huff JM, Bereshpolova Y, et al. (2015) Hour-long adaptation in the awake early visual system. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00116.2015
Hei X, Stoelzel CR, Zhuang J, et al. (2014) Directional selective neurons in the awake LGN: response properties and modulation by brain state. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112: 362-73
Zhuang J, Bereshpolova Y, Stoelzel CR, et al. (2014) Brain state effects on layer 4 of the awake visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 3888-900
Zhuang J, Stoelzel CR, Bereshpolova Y, et al. (2013) Layer 4 in primary visual cortex of the awake rabbit: contrasting properties of simple cells and putative feedforward inhibitory interneurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 11372-89
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