Amani G. El-Alayli, Ph.D.

2002 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"Amani El-Alayli"
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Lawrence A. Messe grad student 2002 Michigan State
 (Effects of implicit theories of attribute malleability on effort after failure and acceptance of performance feedback.)
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El-Alayli A. (2007) Matching achievement contexts with implicit theories to maximize motivation after failure: a congruence model. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 32: 1690-702
El-Alayli A, Messé LA. (2004) Reactions toward an unexpected or counternormative favor-giver: Does it matter if we think we can reciprocate?☆ Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 40: 633-641
El-Alayli A, Baumgardner A. (2003) If at First You Don't Succeed, What Makes You Try,Try Again? Effects of Implicit Theories and Ability Feedback in a Performance-Oriented Climate Self and Identity. 2: 119-135
El-Alayli A, Park ES, Messé LA, et al. (2002) Having to Take a Stand: The Interactive Effects of Task Framing and Source Status on Attitudes Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 5: 233-248
McConnell AR, Niedermeier KE, Leibold JM, et al. (2000) What if I Find It Cheaper Someplace Else?: Role of Prefactual Thinking and Anticipated Regret in Consumer Behavior Psychology and Marketing. 17: 281-298
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