Vyacheslav Murzin, Ph.D.

2010 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, United States 
General Biophysics, Radiology
"Vyacheslav Murzin"
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Armin Fuchs grad student 2010 Florida Atlantic University
 (Detecting the spatiotemporal dynamics of neural activity on the cortical surface: Applying anatomically constrained beamforming to EEG.)
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Murzin V, Fuchs A, Scott Kelso JA. (2013) Detection of correlated sources in EEG using combination of beamforming and surface Laplacian methods. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 218: 96-102
Murzin V, Fuchs A, Kelso JA. (2011) Anatomically constrained minimum variance beamforming applied to EEG. Experimental Brain Research. 214: 515-28
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