Jeffrey R. Stowell

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, United States 
"Jeffrey Stowell"
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Stowell JR, Allan WD, Teoro SM. (2012) Emotions Experienced by Students Taking Online and Classroom Quizzes. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 47: 93-106
Gouin JP, Glaser R, Loving TJ, et al. (2009) Attachment avoidance predicts inflammatory responses to marital conflict. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 23: 898-904
Stowell JR, Tumminaro T, Attarwala M. (2008) Moderating effects of coping on the relationship between test anxiety and negative mood Stress and Health. 24: 313-321
Stowell JR, Berntson GG, Sarter M. (2000) Attenuation of the bidirectional effects of chlordiazepoxide and FG 7142 on conditioned response suppression and associated cardiovascular reactivity by loss of cortical cholinergic inputs. Psychopharmacology. 150: 141-9
Berntson GG, Stowell JR. (1998) ECG artifacts and heart period variability: don't miss a beat! Psychophysiology. 35: 127-32
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