Aaron C. Glade, Ph.D.

2005 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
"Aaron Glade"
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Suzanne Bartle-Haring grad student 2005 Ohio State
 (Differentiation, marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms: An application of Bowen theory.)
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Slesnick N, Bartle-Haring S, Glebova T, et al. (2006) Homeless adolescent parents: HIV risk, family structure and individual problem behaviors. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 39: 774-7
Slesnick N, Bartle-Haring S, Glebova T, et al. (2006) Primary alcohol versus primary drug use among adolescents: an examination of differences. Addictive Behaviors. 31: 2080-93
Bartle-Haring S, Glade AC, Vira R. (2005) Initial levels of differentiation and reduction in psychological symptoms for clients in marriage and family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 31: 121-31
Glade AC, Bean RA, Vira R. (2005) A prime time for marital/relational intervention: A review of the transition to parenthood literature with treatment recommendations American Journal of Family Therapy. 33: 319-336
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