Ellen McIntyre

University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education
"Ellen McIntyre"
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Beach KD, McIntyre E, Philippakos ZA, et al. (2018) Effects of a Summer Reading Intervention on Reading Skills for Low-Income Black and Hispanic Students in Elementary School Reading & Writing Quarterly. 34: 263-280
Heafner T, McIntyre E, Spooner M. (2014) The CAEP Standards and Research on Educator Preparation Programs: Linking Clinical Partnerships With Program Impact Peabody Journal of Education. 89: 516-532
McIntyre E, Hulan N. (2013) Research-Based, Culturally Responsive Reading Practice in Elementary Classrooms: A Yearlong Study Literacy Research and Instruction. 52: 28-51
Thomson MM, McIntyre E. (2013) Prospective teachers' goal orientation: an examination of different teachers' typologies with respect to motivations and beliefs about teaching Teacher Development. 17: 409-430
McIntyre E. (2011) Revealing the invisible: confronting passive racism in teacher education International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 24: 257-259
McIntyre E, Kyle D, Chen CT, et al. (2010) Teacher learning and ELL reading achievement in sheltered instruction classrooms: Linking professional development to student development Literacy Research and Instruction. 49: 334-351
McIntyre E, Rightmyer EC, Petrosko JP. (2008) Scripted and non-scripted reading instructional models: Effects on the phonics and reading achievement of first-grade struggling readers Reading and Writing Quarterly. 24: 377-407
Mcintyre E. (2007) Story discussion in the primary grades: Balancing authenticity and explicit teaching Reading Teacher. 60: 610-620
Mcintyre E, Kyle DW, Moore GH. (2006) A primary-grade teacher's guidance toward small-group dialogue Reading Research Quarterly. 41: 36-66
Powell R, McIntyre E, Rightmyer E. (2006) Johnny won’t read, and Susie won’t either: Reading instruction and student resistance Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 6: 5-31
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