Tamara G. Sher
Affiliations: | Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States |
Clinical Psychology, OncologyGoogle:
"Tamara Sher"Mean distance: 8905.5
Sign in to add traineeGail A. DeMarco | grad student | 2000 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
William J. Canar | grad student | 2001 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Gail P. Osterman | grad student | 2004 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Alyssa M. Epstein | grad student | 2005 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Violet Theodos Tsakostas | grad student | 2005 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Jennifer Duffecy | grad student | 2006 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Geetha Munisamy | grad student | 2009 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Vienna Nightingale | grad student | 2009 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Fay J. Hlubocky | grad student | 2010 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Nathaniel R. Hydes | grad student | 2010 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Maya Ronen | grad student | 2010 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
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Hlubocky FJ, Sher TG, Cella D, et al. (2021) Anxiety Shapes Expectations of Therapeutic Benefit in Phase I Trials for Patients With Advanced Cancer and Spousal Caregivers. Jco Oncology Practice. 17: e101-e110 |
Gremore TM, Brockstein B, Porter LS, et al. (2020) Couple-based communication intervention for head and neck cancer: a randomized pilot trial. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer |
Hlubocky FJ, Sher T, Cella D, et al. (2019) Till death do us part: Existential loneliness (EL), psychosocial distress, and survival of advanced cancer patients (ACPs), and their spousal caregivers (SCs). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 37: 11628-11628 |
Hlubocky FJ, Sher T, Cella D, et al. (2017) The impact of sleep disturbances (SD) on quality of life, psychological morbidity, and survival of advanced cancer patients (ACP) and caregivers (CG). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 35: 10115-10115 |
McMahon ME, Gremore TM, Cella D, et al. (2014) Partners empowered: a couple-based intervention for newly diagnosed cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 23: 832-4 |
Sher T, Braun L, Domas A, et al. (2014) The partners for life program: a couples approach to cardiac risk reduction. Family Process. 53: 131-49 |
Corrigan PW, Rüsch N, Ben-Zeev D, et al. (2014) The rational patient and beyond: implications for treatment adherence in people with psychiatric disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology. 59: 85-98 |
Hlubocky FJ, Cella D, Sher T, et al. (2014) Marital distress (MD), quality of life, and psychological morbidity among advanced cancer patients (ACP) in phase I trials and their spousal caregivers (SC). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32: 9578-9578 |
Cella D, Sher T, Ratain MJ, et al. (2013) Prognostic information (PI), psychological well-being, and quality of life for advanced cancer patients (ACP) in phase I trials and their spousal caregivers (SC). Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 31: 16 |
Sher TG. (2012) What, why, and for whom: couples interventions: a deconstruction approach. Behavior Therapy. 43: 123-31 |