Steven Orman, Ph.D.

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Auditory system
"Steven Orman"
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Phillips DP, Orman SS, Musicant AD, et al. (1985) Neurons in the cat's primary auditory cortex distinguished by their responses to tones and wide-spectrum noise. Hearing Research. 18: 73-86
Orman SS, Phillips DP. (1984) Binaural interactions of single neurons in posterior field of cat auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 51: 1028-39
Phillips DP, Orman SS. (1984) Responses of single neurons in posterior field of cat auditory cortex to tonal stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 51: 147-63
Orman SS, Humphrey GL. (1981) Effects of changes in cortical arousal and of auditory cortex cooling on neuronal activity in the medial geniculate body. Experimental Brain Research. 42: 475-82
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