Barbara Blatchley, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC |
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"Barbara Blatchley"Mean distance: 15.09 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Brugge JF, Blatchley B, Kudoh M. (1993) Encoding of amplitude-modulated tones by neurons of the inferior colliculus of the kitten. Brain Research. 615: 199-217 |
Blatchley BJ, Brugge JF. (1990) Sensitivity to binaural intensity and phase difference cues in kitten inferior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 64: 582-97 |
Blatchley BJ, Cooper WA, Coleman JR. (1987) Development of auditory brainstem response to tone pip stimuli in the rat. Brain Research. 429: 75-84 |
Blatchley BJ, Williams JE, Coleman JR. (1983) Age-dependent effects of acoustic deprivation on spherical cells of the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus. Experimental Neurology. 80: 81-93 |
Coleman J, Blatchley BJ, Williams JE. (1982) Development of the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei in rat and effects of acoustic deprivation. Brain Research. 256: 119-23 |