Simona Stan, Ph.D.

2001 University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration
"Simona Stan"
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Kenneth R. Evans grad student 2001 University of Missouri - Columbia
 (Boundary spanner consumption of organizationally provided support services: A communication/socialization perspective.)
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Shooshtari NH, Stan S, Clouse SF. (2018) Receiving, Recording, and Responding to Customer Complaints: The Effects of Formalizing Customer Complaint Handling Policies in Retail Firms Services Marketing Quarterly. 39: 225-239
Stan S. (2015) Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: inequalities of access and the privatisation of healthcare services in Europe. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 124: 346-55
Stan S, Evans KR, Cernusca D, et al. (2013) Retailing evolution and revolution in a privatizing economy: Small business managers' values and retail strategies in Romania Euromarketing and the Future. 55-77
Stan S, Evans K, Arnold T, et al. (2012) The Moderating influence of organizational support on the development of salesperson job performance: Can an organization provide too much support? Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 32: 405-419
Stan S, Landry TD, Evans KR. (2012) Boundary spanners' satisfaction with organizational support services: An internal communications perspective Internal Relationship Management: Linking Human Resources to Marketing Performance. 43-63
Arnold T, Landry T, Scheer L, et al. (2008) The role of equity and work environment in the formation of salesperson distributive fairness judgments Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 29: 61-80
Evans KR, Stan S, Murray L. (2008) The customer socialization paradox: The mixed effects of communicating customer role expectations Journal of Services Marketing. 22: 213-223
Stan S, Evans KR, Wood CM, et al. (2007) Segment differences in the asymmetric effects of service quality on business customer relationships Journal of Services Marketing. 21: 358-369
Stan S, Evans KR. (2000) Small Business Retailing in Privatizing Economies Journal of East-West Business. 5: 123-143
Zou S, Stan S. (1998) The determinants of export performance: a review of the empirical literature between 1987 and 1997 International Marketing Review. 15: 333-356
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