Kimberly M. Fairchild, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
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"Kimberly Fairchild"Mean distance: 23748
Sign in to add mentorLaurie A. Rudman | grad student | 2007 | Rutgers, New Brunswick | |
(Everyday stranger harassment: Frequency and consequences.) |
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Fairchild K. (2015) A bad script: Why do young women pursue careers in pornography? Psyccritiques. 60 |
Fairchild K. (2012) Book Review: Self-Objectification in Women: Causes, Consequences, and Counteractions Psychology of Women Quarterly. 36: 117-118 |
Fairchild K. (2010) Context Effects on Women’s Perceptions of Stranger Harassment Sexuality and Culture. 14: 191-216 |
Fairchild K, Rudman LA. (2008) Everyday stranger harassment and women's objectification Social Justice Research. 21: 338-357 |
Rudman LA, Dohn MC, Fairchild K. (2007) Implicit self-esteem compensation: automatic threat defense. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 93: 798-813 |
Rudman LA, Fairchild K. (2007) The F word: Is feminism incompatible with beauty and romance Psychology of Women Quarterly. 31: 125-136 |
Rudman LA, Fairchild K. (2004) Reactions to counterstereotypic behavior: the role of backlash in cultural stereotype maintenance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 87: 157-76 |
Rudman LA, Feinberg J, Fairchild K. (2002) Minority members' implicit attitudes: Automatic ingroup bias as a function of group status Social Cognition. 20: 294-320 |