Adriana Fiorentini, PhD

Instituto di Neurofiziologia CNR, New Rochelle, NY, United States 
Visual perception, oculomotor physiology, learning

Graduated in physics at Firenze University, Adriana joined Lambert Maffei's lab where she started her carrier in the psychophysics of vision (its spatio-temporal aspects), physiology of the oculomotor system (in cat), perceptual learning, etc. With Lamberto Maffei she published some of the most fundamental papers of the '70s on the physiology and architecture of the primary visual cortex. She's frequently cited as the first scientist having introduced in the field the topic of perceptual learning (with Nicoletta Berardi).

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Andrei Gorea collaborator 1977-1980 CNR Pisa
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Gorea A, Fiorentini A. (1982) [Orientational interactions between stationary and moving gratings]. L'Annã©E Psychologique. 82: 45-65
Goréa A, Fiorentini A. (1982) Interactions orientationnelles entre des réseaux stationnaires et en mouvement L'AnnéE Psychologique. 82: 45-65
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