Kathryn A. Scott

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Kathryn Scott"
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Scott KA, Porter SL, Bagg EA, et al. (2010) Specificity of localization and phosphotransfer in the CheA proteins of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Molecular Microbiology. 76: 318-30
Jonsson AL, Scott KA, Daggett V. (2009) Dynameomics: a consensus view of the protein unfolding/folding transition state ensemble across a diverse set of protein folds. Biophysical Journal. 97: 2958-66
Chetwynd AP, Scott KA, Mokrab Y, et al. (2008) CGDB: a database of membrane protein/lipid interactions by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular Membrane Biology. 25: 662-9
Vaccaro L, Scott KA, Sansom MS. (2008) Gating at both ends and breathing in the middle: conformational dynamics of TolC. Biophysical Journal. 95: 5681-91
Beck DA, Jonsson AL, Schaeffer RD, et al. (2008) Dynameomics: mass annotation of protein dynamics and unfolding in water by high-throughput atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Protein Engineering, Design & Selection : Peds. 21: 353-68
Scott KA, Bond PJ, Ivetac A, et al. (2008) Coarse-grained MD simulations of membrane protein-bilayer self-assembly. Structure (London, England : 1993). 16: 621-30
Sansom MS, Scott KA, Bond PJ. (2008) Coarse-grained simulation: a high-throughput computational approach to membrane proteins. Biochemical Society Transactions. 36: 27-32
Scott KA, Alonso DO, Sato S, et al. (2007) Conformational entropy of alanine versus glycine in protein denatured states. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 2661-6
Scott KA, Daggett V. (2007) Folding mechanisms of proteins with high sequence identity but different folds. Biochemistry. 46: 1545-56
Scott KA, Randles LG, Moran SJ, et al. (2006) The folding pathway of spectrin R17 from experiment and simulation: using experimentally validated MD simulations to characterize States hinted at by experiment. Journal of Molecular Biology. 359: 159-73
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