Warren G. Holmes
Affiliations: | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Zoology Biology, Psychobiology PsychologyGoogle:
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Jesseau SA, Holmes WG, Lee TM. (2009) Communal nesting and discriminative nursing by captive degus, Octodon degus Animal Behaviour. 78: 1183-1188 |
Jesseau SA, Holmes WG, Lee TM. (2008) Mother-offspring recognition in communally nesting degus, Octodon degus Animal Behaviour. 75: 573-582 |
Mateo JM, Holmes WG. (1999) Plasticity of alarm-call response development in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi, Sciuridae) Ethology. 105: 193-206 |
Mateo JM, Holmes WG. (1999) How rearing history affects alarm-call responses of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi, Sciuridae) Ethology. 105: 207-222 |
Holmes WG, Mateo JM. (1998) How mothers influence the development of litter-mate preferences in Belding's ground squirrels. Animal Behaviour. 55: 1555-70 |
Mateo JM, Holmes WG. (1997) Development of alarm-call responses in Belding's ground squirrels: the role of dams Animal Behaviour. 54: 509-24 |
Holmes WG. (1997) Temporal aspects in the development of Belding's ground squirrels litter-mate preferences Animal Behaviour. 53: 1323-1336 |
Holmes WG. (1995) The ontogeny of littermate preferences in juvenile golden-mantled ground squirrels: Effects of rearing and relatedness Animal Behaviour. 50: 309-322 |
Mateo JM, Holmes WG, Bell AM, et al. (1994) Sexual maturation in male prairie voles: effects of the social environment. Physiology & Behavior. 56: 299-304 |
Holmes WG. (1994) The development of littermate preferences in juvenile Belding's ground squirrels Animal Behaviour. 48: 1071-1084 |