Karntipa Pisalyaput, Ph.D.

2007 University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Neuroscience Biology
"Karntipa Pisalyaput"
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Andrea J. Tenner grad student 2007 UC Irvine
 (The role of complement protein C1q in neuronal injury and modulation of microglial functions.)
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Fraser DA, Pisalyaput K, Tenner AJ. (2010) C1q enhances microglial clearance of apoptotic neurons and neuronal blebs, and modulates subsequent inflammatory cytokine production. Journal of Neurochemistry. 112: 733-43
Cole TA, Pisalyaput K, Benoit ME, et al. (2010) Greater C5a generation in the BUB/BnJ mouse: Designing better mouse models to study the role of complement in degenerative diseases Molecular Immunology. 47: 2274-2274
Zhou J, Fonseca MI, Pisalyaput K, et al. (2008) Complement C3 and C4 expression in C1q sufficient and deficient mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 106: 2080-92
Pisalyaput K, Tenner AJ. (2008) Complement component C1q inhibits beta-amyloid- and serum amyloid P-induced neurotoxicity via caspase- and calpain-independent mechanisms. Journal of Neurochemistry. 104: 696-707
Fraser DA, Pisalyaput K, Vogler EC, et al. (2008) A role for complement components C1q and C3 in the clearance of apoptotic cells by microglia The Faseb Journal. 22: 554-554
Tenner AJ, Pisalyaput K. (2008) Central nervous system diseases and inflammation: The complement system in the CNS: Thinking again Central Nervous System Diseases and Inflammation. 153-174
Pisalyaput K, Tenner AJ. (2007) Complement protein C1q enhances neuronal survival and protects against specific insults via a caspase- and calpain-independent mechanism Molecular Immunology. 44: 229
Li M, Pisalyaput K, Galvan M, et al. (2004) Macrophage colony stimulatory factor and interferon-γ trigger distinct mechanisms for augmentation of β-amyloid-induced microglia-mediated neurotoxicity Journal of Neurochemistry. 91: 623-633
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