Kelly B. Cartwright

Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA, United States 
cognitive development, reading, executive function
"Kelly Cartwright"
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Taboada Barber A, Klauda SL, Wang W, et al. (2020) Emergent Bilinguals With Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits: A Comparative and Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 22219420983247
Cartwright KB, Marshall TR, Hatfield NA. (2020) Concurrent and Longitudinal Contributions of a Brief Assessment of Reading‐Specific Executive Function to Reading Comprehension in First and Second Grade Students Mind, Brain, and Education. 14: 114-123
Cartwright KB, Bock AM, Clause JH, et al. (2020) Near- and far-transfer effects of an executive function intervention for 2nd to 5th-grade struggling readers Cognitive Development. 56: 100932
Cartwright KB, Lee SA, Barber AT, et al. (2020) Contributions of Executive Function and Cognitive Intrinsic Motivation to University Students’ Reading Comprehension Reading Research Quarterly. 55: 345-369
Cartwright KB, Marshall TR, Huemer CM, et al. (2019) Executive function in the classroom: Cognitive flexibility supports reading fluency for typical readers and teacher-identified low-achieving readers. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 88: 42-52
Duke NK, Cartwright KB. (2019) Implications of the DRIVE Model of Reading: Making the Complexity of Reading Actionable The Reading Teacher. 73: 123-128
Cartwright KB, Duke NK. (2019) The DRIVE Model of Reading: Making the Complexity of Reading Accessible The Reading Teacher. 73: 7-15
Bock AM, Cartwright KB, McKnight PE, et al. (2018) Patterning, Reading, and Executive Functions. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1802
Cartwright KB, Bock AM, Coppage EA, et al. (2017) A comparison of cognitive flexibility and metalinguistic skills in adult good and poor comprehenders Journal of Research in Reading. 40: 139-152
Cartwright KB, Coppage EA, Lane AB, et al. (2016) Cognitive flexibility deficits in children with specific reading comprehension difficulties Contemporary Educational Psychology
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